
Participation in hunting and fishing is declining nationally among traditional audiences, but bucking the trend are people interested in wild harvest as a way to obtain local, wholesome protein. “Locavores” (as they are called) strive to consume local, organic, sustainable food — often through gardening, foraging farm markets--and hunting and fishing.

Several states are working to attract this audience to hunting and fishing. Regardless of their level of success, agency professionals agree — teaching these food-inspired newcomers to hunt and fish is nothing like running typical youth through hunter safety classes so they can make opening day. To entice locavores, events and programs must be plated with finesse and garnished with distinctive messages.


Working with the Southeast and Midwest Associations of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and Bob Byrne Consulting, DJ Case developed Locavore.Guide as a comprehensive toolkit of resources to help hunting and angling program managers plan, organize, and market education programs for this new crop of novice, adult, hunter/angler epicures.

The Locavore.Guide online presence includes:

  • More than 175 custom articles and 500 helpful references and resources
  • A collection of more than 500 videos for locavore hunters/anglers compiled into 62 playlists
  • Locavore program training videos for agency marketers and educators
  • Pinterest boards on hunting and angling topics for locavore audiences

Anthropological Approach

To develop guidance and materials that locavore programs would find appetizing, DJ Case dove deep into the foodie community. We convened focus groups at farm-to-table style restaurants, consulted with Whole Foods marketing experts, and huddled with food bloggers, authors, and other locavore influencers. We blended our results with related research findings from Southwick Associates and Responsive Management to prepare a feast of methods and materials that are ready to serve.


Locavore.Guide literally sets the table for state agencies that are interested in reaching out to this growing audience. Materials have been gobbled up by natural resource program educators and marketers throughout the country. They are integrating materials into existing efforts and innovating new ways to reach their own local locavores.